Friday 6 May 2011

Give me Jesus Christ because I am desperate

U know I observe...this life and its sinfulness thinking that I was starting to actually attach myself to sin.
Well that was a wrong and destructive decision I would have taken (all the way) but out of the love of the people
I'm surrounded with and accompanied with are saints (Godly people) who promote the Word of God and teach against sin

Truly the word of God makes me want Jesus more everyday because without him I'm nothing
Nobody..a sinner condemned to the pit of hell without hope and mostly without the Lord Jesus Christ
I prefer having him only in my life because I know nobody in this world not even my mother who gave, birth to me
Will sacrifice her life for me, but Christ did kneeled to a tree so I might to be saved

U know its so unnecessary for me to die and have to experience eternal separation from God and the Saviour Christ
But many people choose to but I'm not everybody,I am my own person and the gracious God made me off an individual mind
And I choose him, than any other thing in this earth I want to able to serve the Lord with a clear conscience and having
The spirit of God dwelling in please if u saved help me in prayer I need to be saved and that's my story. Amen

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